Frequently Asked Questions

The fare is 600 drh from Essouira to Marrakech or from Marrakech to Essaouira

No worries, we are waiting for you until your flight arrives at the airport. We are used to making the transfer by Taxi Essaouira Marrakech all year round.


All our vehicles are air-conditioned for the comfort of our passengers


Your driver will be waiting for you with a sign bearing your name at the baggage exit. 


Yes, all our drivers speak French and/or English


A price without surprises, top-of-the-range vehicles with qualified drivers, no limitation on the number of people.


Yes, in Morocco tourist transport operates in groups of passengers from 1 to 3, from 4 to 6, from 7 to 14 and 14 to 17 people.


No, the driver only accepts cash in Euro or Dhr. He can lead you to an ATM if you wish.



Please contact us at any time for information or quotes regarding your transport needs: excursions, tours, and all kinds of transfers throughout Morocco. We are committed to offering you our best prices while sharing with you the experience of a most pleasant trip.

Call Us


24h/7D Monday to Sunday